Labels & Products, Personalized Ribbon

How Important is Your Brand?

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Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, large,  small or even retail. Building a strong brand has been known and proven to be financially rewarding. An effective brand strategy plays a vital role for product marketing. Your brand serves as your promise to your customer. A promise of quality, trust and service. Your brand is who you are, what you want to be and what you aim to become. It’s your unique identity that differentiates you from your competitors. It tells your customers what to expect from your product and the level of quality you offer.

Branding is a marketing strategy. But in order to be successful in marketing your product, you have to create a good branding strategy too. Identify who your target market would be, your distribution channels, determine the scope of your business and the proper timing. Your brand is your means to communicate with your target market visually thus encourages product loyalty.

Consistent, effective and carefully designed branding leads to an established and strong brand equity. The added value intrinsic to brand equity  becomes a form of emotional attachment to customers. Your brand should posses the four fundamentals : identity, meaning, customer response and customer relationship.

Branding, Custom Woven Labels, Fabric Labels, Fabric Tags, Nike
Nike is a Name Brand Everyone Knows and trusts for quality Athletic Apparel

Brand Identity refers to the customer’s ability to recognize a brand.

Brand Meaning refers to the character of the brand beyond image. This may include primary and added product features, product reliability, durability, efficiency, serviceability, style, design,price, usage, value, history and experience.

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Custom Woven Label for Buck Knives Company Branding – a trusted brand in quality knives

Customer response to branding  refers to the customer’s response, judgement and attitude towards the brand and its campaign. The responses are usually based on the offered quality, credibility, uniqueness and feelings toward the brand and its products.

Customer relationship refers to the attitude of the customer towards the brand.

Branding requires a lot of research to do. It’s not enough to solely rely on what is found in the internet. Explore. Learn. Understand.

ThirtySevenWest is a United States based company with over 15 years of experience in providing affordable, efficient, innovative and state-of-the-art labels solution to businesses around United States and overseas. The company specializes wide variety of labels including custom woven labels, hang tags,  clothing tags, iron on labels and many more. In addition, they also offer Premiere Quality Custom Logo Ribbon and Personalized Gifts. For orders and inquiries, contact 877 – 627 – 9408 or visit them online at

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