Do you know what your clothing label says about your products?
Fashion industry goods such as clothing and accessory lines are known by their brand name. And, your label says a lot about your company, your designs, and who you are.
For designers who labor to create inexpensive and affordable fashions, your clothing label is crucial to your brand image. It makes an instant impression on retailers and buyers alike. Even if you offer affordable, value-priced items, your brand label can promote a more exclusive impression just by the way it looks.
Choosing Your Style

Think about all of the top name-brand clothiers you have hanging in your own closet. How many of those designer labels are printed? How many are made from coarse, rough fibers or cotton? Not many, right? Probably if you take a look, each one of those labels are woven into Damask or some other durable, yet touchable material.
Now consider the ‘designs’ of those designer labels. Don’t they all offer a unique image relative to the Brand? Of course!
Your custom clothing label speaks volumes about your product. By choosing a custom woven label that features unique artwork, colors, brand symbols, or your company vision you elevate your fashions to a level of exclusivity.
Creating Your Image
Offering affordable fashions is a wonderful calling. Your products offer distinctive value, stunning looks, and wearable durability. So don’t shortchange your branding technique. These ideas can help you get started:
- Consider your target audience—are your fashions designed for children, teens, or more mature audiences? Use that information when you start the custom woven label process. In this respect, your marketing plan will be your best friend… you may already have a logo or company motto prepared. Ask about how those aspects can transfer to your label design.
- Evaluate your products—obviously, if you create and market fashion accessories such as scarves, handbags, or other similar sized articles, you don’t want to design a custom woven label that requires a large background. But in the same way, you don’t want your label to get ignored or be uncomfortable.
- Ask for professional advice—a dedicated label creator will understand industry specifics and can help aid your decision.
Remember, as Linda says, your clothing label is your business card that travels wherever your product is worn. Use that marketing advantage to promote the type of image you want your products to project. Find out more about custom woven label solutions here.