Labels & Products


Sample of Semi-Custom Woven Labels

2fifty.  Two50.  2hundred&50.  Two hundred and fifty.  However you choose to say it, 250 labels can be an overwhelming commitment.  It can be the difference between having labels and not paying the car insurance this month, or having labels and not having a social life for two weeks.

We’re not saying that having your own start-up isn’t an act of sacrifice laced with blood, sweat, and tears.  Whether you’ve got chest full of medals to show your valor in business or you’re just thinking about diving in, your list of priorities is your life line.

How can you afford woven labels for your new, small business and still buy groceries this week (we mean groceries, not canned beans and ramen noodles)?

There is hope!   Have we met?  We’re the company offering you 50 semi-custom, boutique, or border labels for $75.  That’s seventy5.  7-5.  That’s your grandma’s age and she’s the hippest lady you know.  That’s the age of your two kids put side by side (bet you’re busy).

We’d love to help you with your woven label needs, whether you’re sewing garments in your kitchen or have a handful of factories at your disposal.  Check out all our label options here.

(Yes, this was a business plug!)

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