Thanks HBO. While orange can at times be associated with prison uniforms, it is more often associated with many positive traits. In color psychology, orange represents enthusiasm, motivation, vitality, encouragement, adventure, social, creativity, warmth, rejuvenation, and courage.
Actually orange is one of the more controversial colors. People tend to either love it or hate it (and I’m not telling you which side of the fence I’m on).
An interesting side note: Orange is another color that stimulates the appetite and conversation, probably because it’s a combination of red and yellow, which we already know stimulates the appetite. So the next time you have a dinner party, be sure to include bits of orange in the decor. Also notice when eating at a restaurant if there is an orange motif, or if there are various hues of orange about. This encourages diners to eat, drink, and be merry!

So what are some companies who use this color in their logos? Let’s start with Nickelodeon, many orange juice companies, Gatorade, Cheetos, Fanta, Harley-Davidson, Crush, Home Depot, Gulf, Etsy, JBL, Hooters, Firefox, Hobby Lobby, University of Tennessee, and Tide…..and the list continues.
Interestingly, because orange is an attention-grabbing color, it’s used in life jackets and road cones.
When creating your logo, could the color orange help define your branding?

What are your thoughts? Do you love the color orange? Hate it? Or indifferent?
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