Today’s post is about meat. And vegetables. And dairy. And eating… but before you can eat, you must make.
I found Food in Jars last week and it was one of those experiences where I wish I hadn’t in a way, because now I know better about the process of canning (i.e. more responsibility to the food and myself.. and no excuses!). But on the other hand, I was ecstatic because now I know better about the process of canning. Catch 22?
Marisa, the writer/ photographer/ canner extraordinaire behind Food in Jars, has been breaking down the canning process on her blog and even teaching classes in the Philly area (if you’re up there, check her out). When I found her recipe/ instructions on how to pickle Asparagus, I couldn’t resist but share it with you. It’s not rocket science, I assure you. And I encourage you to give it a shot because if you do, you can make this: ham, cream cheese, and asparagus wraps.

Making these is kind of like taking that canned spray cheese and putting it on a cracker—easy. Once you have your asparagus, follow these very difficult instructions:
1. Take a slice of ham. It can be deli ham, but it’s better if you have something like a 1/4″ slice of spiral ham.
2. Take cream cheese (and a knife) and spread it on the ham. How much? Whatever you prefer.
3. Take a pickled asparagus spear (or two or three) and place at one end of the ham slice.
4. Roll the ham slice from one end to the other, with the cream cheese and asparagus inside.
5. EAT. Then repeat process a minimum of three times. Seriously.
I’ve known this recipe for years, and there are many different takes on it. You can find people using prosciutto instead of ham here, or even substituting cream cheese for dill sauce here. Either way, it’s easy and delicious.
Enjoy your weekend!
Mmm, those wraps look delicious! And thanks so much for all the kind words!