As a marketing specialist, one of the most innovative ways you can promote your brand is to invest in small but powerful strategies that help you achieve multiple goals. If you’ve ever used logo ribbons as festive décor, you already know their value in terms of cost and creativity. Custom ribbons are a classic way to add …
What Does Your Corporate Gift Say About Your Brand?
If you’re a creative marketing strategist, constantly looking for a fun and innovative ways to promote your product, holiday season may just be your favorite time of year. With Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s all packed into one exciting season, brands have a chance to channel the holiday spirit and reintroduce their product in a …
Custom Logo Ribbons – Perception & Presentation Is Everything
Custom logo ribbons can add a hint of decorative flair to everything they touch. Check out how one of our clients made it big with custom logo ribbons. Let us tell you a story. A couple of year back, we were approached by a local business. Let’s call them the Jays. The family had just …
Custom Ribbons – The New Trend in Luxury Store Branding and Image
Custom ribbons are the latest trend in luxury store branding. Find out why this trend is so popular among businesses these days. When it comes to creating a luxury brand image, companies usually end up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on it. With a luxury strategy, you aim to create top brand value …
Custom Ribbon – How Much Do I Buy?
Not sure how much of custom ribbon should you buy? This post can help you decide how much custom ribbon to order for your needs! Are you a business looking for the perfect way to package and present corporate gifts and giveaways; or may be a home-based start-up selling delicious home-made jams and marmalades thinking …