In marketing, making the initial connection and following up with customers is key. Research has found that it often takes 6-8 interactions with a company before a customer makes a purchase. So, sending one email or making one phone call to connect with a customer may simply not be enough to move them to buy. …
Can Companies Use Inspiration to Move Sales?
With today’s densely crowded marketing space, companies have to find a way to stand out from the crowd. Household brands like Dove, Halls, and Snapple have successfully leveraged inspirational and fun facts as ways to add a humanistic feel to their products. Though the jury is still out on whether these added phrases really help …
5 Ways to Stand Out in a Tradeshow Using Ribbons
The only thing separating an established brand from an obscure one is lack of exposure. As a budding entrepreneur, you’re up against some serious competition in a market that keeps getting bigger and better. With a limited window of time to prove your talent, you simply can’t say no to a rare opportunity to steal …
Personalized ornament hangers using Custom Logo Ribbon
Good Morning, TGIF!! And we have sooo important thing to share with you before you kickstart your weekend. Did you know that an average person sees approximately 4000 advertisements each day? In this world, it is so important to make the right brand impact the very first time. Many marketing managers believe commercials, mailers etc. …
Custom Logo Ribbons – Perception & Presentation Is Everything
Custom logo ribbons can add a hint of decorative flair to everything they touch. Check out how one of our clients made it big with custom logo ribbons. Let us tell you a story. A couple of year back, we were approached by a local business. Let’s call them the Jays. The family had just …