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Showing 125 Result(s)
Friday Eats

Friday Eats: Pie for anytime, anywhere

Some of you may have been thinking: why on earth are you talking about food on this blog?  While this is a valid question, let me explain.  People work.  People get hungry.  And working people especially get hungry–even us label-making, gift-personalizing, email-writing people need to eat.  So, we love to eat and share good recipes that …

Featured Guests

Featured: Jackson & Connor

Jackson & Connor Shop, Northampton, image courtesy of Jackson & Connor Tara Tetreault and Candice Connors, the duo powerhouse hailing from Northampton, Massachusetts, are the subject of our first feature on  We love what they’re doing, think they have a stunning product line at their store, Jackson & Connor, and we’re thrilled that we’ve …

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