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Showing 121 Result(s)

Friday Eats: BYOF

Well it’s no surprise that the weather has warmed up quite a bit.  It’s been luring people out to parks and club houses and porches.  Parties that were once held indoors are now held by swimming pools and sandy beaches and in backyards under thrown frisbees. A lot of invites for these occasions go something …

Friday Eats

Friday Eats: Pie for anytime, anywhere

Some of you may have been thinking: why on earth are you talking about food on this blog?  While this is a valid question, let me explain.  People work.  People get hungry.  And working people especially get hungry–even us label-making, gift-personalizing, email-writing people need to eat.  So, we love to eat and share good recipes that …

Featured Guests

Featured: Jackson & Connor

Jackson & Connor Shop, Northampton, image courtesy of Jackson & Connor Tara Tetreault and Candice Connors, the duo powerhouse hailing from Northampton, Massachusetts, are the subject of our first feature on  We love what they’re doing, think they have a stunning product line at their store, Jackson & Connor, and we’re thrilled that we’ve …

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