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Happy 4th!

Happy fourth of July! Because of the holiday, it is safe to assume that many of you will not be reading this until the 5th or the 6th, but a belated holiday well-wish is better than no well-wishing at all. How did you celebrate our nation’s independence? Our staff did everything from vacationing at the beach …

Labels & Products

Labels: Branding Your Products

Image is everything. Whether you are an up-and-coming designer trying to put your clothes on the market, or part of a church prayer shawl/knitting/quilting group spreading love, comfort, and hope, it is important to put your best foot forward.  With this in mind, remember that your label is like your business card everywhere your product …

Friday Eats

Friday Eats: Leftover Ham

There are some people who will absolutely never eat leftovers.  I mean, throw away food kind of people.  Or give it to their dog kind of people.  Really, I never understood the notion behind it, but I have to say that I love leftovers.  It’s been said that lasagna or soups even taste better the …


Do Something Healthy: Waste Not

Have you ever looked in your refrigerator and found last week’s leftovers?  That spaghetti you made (which now has grown a nice beard of green and white) wound up buried under the take out from three nights ago, shoved behind the milk jug, and obscured by the vegetables you bought for today’s meal. Have you …

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